Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The End Result

Consumers  have an expectation of a great return on their investment. Book buyers are no differenct. If a reader has invested finances and time to read your work, the least they are owed is a work that is stimulating, insightful and one that offers a feasible ending.

There are other elements of expectation, but today we will deal with that often debated subject of the ‘End Vision Strategy – The Feasible Ending’.

Please note that the ending of your story can make or break the story. If you have guided your reader through a course that is reasonably intriguing only to leave them mystified or disappointed at the end, you may have lost a potential fan. Not only that, but they may not recommend the read to others or (heaven forbid) they discourage others from reading your book.

The ending of your story mus be able to support the action, plot and storyline it was built upon. It must tie up all the loose ends and turn on the light over the expertly placed hints left in previous chapters. Above all, the strong ending must make sense and render an aura satisfaction to the reader for not only their financial and reading investment, but to a degree, for the characters you have created.

In order to achieve that goal, throughout the writing process, take the time to look at the synopsis you have written for your story. Now, look at what you have written and determine if you are headed in the right direction.

Haven’t written that synopsis or determined what the ending will be? STOP right where you are.

They synopsis is vital to what you are writing. It is your roadmap that clearly gives definition to the adage, ‘you can’t get to where you’re going if you can’t see your destination’. Your synopsis and storyline will help you to determine where you are, if you’re on the right track and if you working toward building that strong ending every reader deserves (where you’re going). If you haven't done so, NOW is the time to do so.

Please note that the strong ending does not necessarily mean that it is a HAPPY ending, but it must correlate with what you have built the story to be. In other words, it must deliver the goods.

I hope that you find this information helpful and that it will serve as an encouragement to you as you make your way toward writing that dynamic book the world is waiting for.

Please join us next week when we will look into character development. Until then – be blessed and don’t forget to use your words to bear good fruit.



  1. Most Definitely! Diva..thanks for sharing this info.. I plan to send this link to my online writing group, Essentially Woman!!

    You're so wise.. love it! Enjoy your day!


  2. This is a very interesting topic...one in which I've given insight on and have taught in many seminars and workshops. My mindset on how to end a story or novel may be a bit different than the average writer, but no less essential in whether the author has built a crescendo or a final that would illustrate more of same, or perhaps an intriguing element for an encore. Albeit, in my opinion there are several ways a writer can elicit endings to justify, enhance or give various elements of the story for the readers to contemplate. I will discuss with you a few of my favorites:

    ENDING WITH DIALOGUE -- This is an excellent way for authors to be creative by allowing the main character, depending on the voice that the story was written in, be vociferous in leaving a distinct air where an aura is painted to support his/her storyline antics. The main character says something witty, funny, or reflective and you close the book fin a 'win-win or a catastrophic feeling.

    I feel that the best type of dialogue using the aforementioned is to end a novel in closure with much to look forward to based on any dialogue from characters, storyline or back story; the last phrase gives both the reader and the characters a sense of finality, which signals that the story is over, but is it? You'll see this done fairly often in movies, plays and monologues, and it can be just as attractive at the end of a well-written story or intriguing novel. I always tell my clients and authors that you shouldn't leave any questionable elements unanswered and that the story's ending has enough oomph to bolster and parallel the gist of the main story idea.

    ENDING YOUR STORY WITH PROSE -- This is the most popular, and can be the most tedious way to end a novel because it allows the author to say everything that needs to be said. For example, you can end your novel with an Epilogue that explains what happened after the final scene in your novel. Your main objective is to make sure that your story is intriguing enough, has enough contrast, and certainly a finality where additional narrative is needed to allow any tie-ins to become clearer to the reader. Sometimes a novel will not need an epilogue, and if this is the case, then tense is important, i.e. closing it in the future, past or in a present state of being. I like for novels to be definitive of the author's imagery where they end their story with a fireworks and enough verve than to bore readers with meaningless and inane words that only serve to leave your reader befuddled beyond imagination!

    ENDING YOUR STORY WITH CLIFFHANGERS - This is the spice of life for me. I love this approach because it always leave something to look forward to. This can mean sustained and extra sales the next time around because you gave them expectancy! This is apropos especially for sequels. You definitely want to write where readers will purchase the next installment. The key here is making sure that you've written a novel where your novel is character-driven and long on detail. All loose ends must be connective and strong enough where you leave your readers looking for the next intriguing moment!

    In closing, it all depends on how you want to make your closing interesting to your readers. Avoid endings that are contrived, anti-climatic and having that 'runaway train' method -- where you've written a fast paced story and all of a sudden it ends without clarity or abruptly without finality. Well, there you have the Romerian concept of ending a novel or story. Here's hoping that it gave more insight than confusion! Now go ahead and write an ending that will make your novel a page-turning delight!

  3. Thank you for stopping by Rosa.


  4. Hey Ms. Shaye. Please do share with your group.


  5. Mr. Romer -- as always you leave us panting with a need for more. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing.

