Friday, December 31, 2010

When Men Gather

What lurks in the hearts of men is a question often asked. A portion of that answer can be found in the pages of The Retreat, the sophomore offering from Dijorn Moss.

This story focuses on three men setting out to attend the annual Men’s Retreat. Each is attending for their own reason. Chauncey is a bona fide Bible thumping, scripture quoting, self-righteous, religious nut, without a clue, who would rather go blind than miss this event. Quincy seeks to confront the one he believes has caused the demise of his marriage. Jamal has been offered the job of a lifetime, but it may alter life as he knows it. And then there’s Will.

Through these pages the author has skillfully entwined the lives of these men. Their points of view vary, but their choice to be vulnerable will bring them more than either expected from attending The Retreat.

You can learn more about the author and his works at:  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You Can Go Home Again

Here is my question of the day – what does the word Home mean to you?

Is it the place where you grew up? Could it be that place in your mind that you retreat to in order to escape the pressures of this world?

As we enter this holiday season many are making preparations to journey home; some with a joyful heart, others out of a sense of duty. Many more refuse or avoid the opportunity to sit at the table with loved ones and others for a variety of reasons.

Unfortunately a majority of those reasons are rooted in misunderstandings, hurt feelings or just plain selfishness. If you find this to be your current circumstance I would like you to do something—go deep inside yourself and examine what may have brought you to this place. Now, consider what you may be missing out on due to those circumstances then ask yourself – has it been worth the loss?

Time is precious and something that cannot be redeemed—so why waste another moment? Go home. Home can be more than that walled structure most relate to. It can be that place where relationships moved from the realm of comfort and security to that of strained or broken. In your mind all seems hopeless due to the time that has passed and the potency of the pain we may have endured or inflicted upon another. Regardless of what it might be, know that you can go HOME AGAIN; you can because extending or accepting forgiveness is a matter of choice.

The words to this song (highlighted below) are so profound. Allow them to speak to your heart and if you are in need, make the decision to return Home

Chose to be free -- Linda!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do You See What They See?

More Glimpses of Heaven: Inspiring Stories of Hope and Peace at the End of Life’s Journey, presents the fact that the true heart of an individual is only known by God. Author Trudy Harris has been blessed to be with those making their transition from this world to their eternal resting place.

With heartfelt inspiration Ms. Harris dispels the myth of death being something to fear. Her chosen stories are sure to touch readers in a variety of ways. Above all things each work assures us that regardless the paths we walked, the choices we have made, God is with us until the end.

To learn more about Ms. Harris and her works, visit her online at: Glimpses of Heaven

Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Testimony is Not Our Own

I Shall Not Die: Living a Psalm 118:17 Existence is a riveting revelation of what few will rarely, if ever, face in their lifetime.

I Shall Not Die is the story of Jimmy Lee Holmes, an anointed minister of the word and music. This work is also the testimony of his widow, Kendra Norman-Bellamy. With candor the author allows the reader into one of the most intimate parts of her life. It will be through her written testimony that one may be provoked to reexamine what is worth complaining about, or if there really is truth to the saying: 'I can't complain'.

Within this compact treatise the faith of a couple in the face of one of society’s most devastating diseases—AIDS, is exemplified. I Shall Not Die is not only a work from the heart it is also an invitation. An invitation to whom? To anyone willing to open their hearts to God and embrace the healing that His Son died to provide for us all.

To learn more about the author visit her at:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

True Devotion

Devotions for the God Girl by Hayley DiMarco is the perfect accessory to any bedside table. The content is insightful and backed by bolded key points that the author skillfully entwines with corresponding bible verses.

I applaud the author for giving the reader the option to select their readings via exclusion of dated pages.

Regardless of which page you select or happen upon, you are reminded of God’s grace, His mercy and His eternal love for us. You can learn more about Ms. DiMarco and her works at:

Value Beyond Measure

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. This scripture from the book of Matthew aptly portrays the pearls of wisdom contained within Clutch Your Pearls, Girl!

Within the pages of this thought-provoking work, author Stephanie McKenny has aptly presented truth from an irrefutable source—the Bible. It is this truth that opens eyes to the fact that one does not require the accessory of a man in order to be complete. With skill and vulnerability Ms. McKenny shares personal experiences and presents the value of overcoming past mistakes in order to walk in purpose as God has ordained.

To learn more about Stephanie and her work visit her online at:

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today I have a special treat for you. Several contributors to the Home Again: Stories of Restored Relationships anthology have stopped by to share themselves, their work and the ministry behind their writing. I ask that you take your time to read what they have to say, and if you’re so inclined, respond with an observation, question or whatever may be on your mind.


Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
“My name is Dijorn Moss and I am someone who is in love with the written word. I love to write and I love to read. I feel like I am in an extended graduate program where every writer I read is a Professor that can teach me something. I am a new father and I am thankful and grateful for every moment I spend with my son Caleb.”

Journey to the Throne speaks to a very specific problem. How do hope for this story to help others?
“God is in the business of redeeming and restoring. No matter how low you feel you are in your life, God can pull you out. The Mercer family is an example that God can deliver you from any situation or circumstance and that God can restore a once broken relationship.”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“I require honesty above all. What can cause me to walk away from a relationship is an act of betrayal that is so severe that I questioned everything about the relationship.”

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“Prayer and I go on Youtube and listen to a lot of sermons that deal with restoration.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?


Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
On the personal side, I'm a pretty laid-back, quiet person always on the move. LOL! I have a motto about never wanting to be bored and I stick pretty closely to that motto by staying super busy. My busyness comes from the professional side of being a graphic designer and online book promoter. I have been running my own business,, since 1999 and my niche over the years has been working with authors. I usually take off the holidays, so I'm really looking forward to winding down in a few weeks for the year. In 2006, I let a few folks, like family and friends know I was seriously writing. I currently have two manuscripts, one a romantic suspense and the other a cozy mystery. My short story, “Birthing Pains,” is my first official published work of fiction (Yeah!).”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“Coming out of a difficult relationship, communication and honesty are big factors. I think if you don't communicate clearly, you open the door for cracks to enter the relationships and those cracks turn into brokenness. That's an interesting question - because I have found myself in that place of asking that question as I know many do. I think where I would really step away is when I have done all that I can do and it's left up to the other person to make the move. If they don't, you have to - not to be cliché here - let it go and leave it to God.”

Birthing Pains presents a story that is becoming too common in America. How do you hope for this story to help others?
“Birthing Pain presents a story that isMeet a wife and mother, EUGEENA PATTERSON, who has always been the glue keeping her fragmented family together. When her troubled teenage daughter is rushed to the hospital, Eugeena is forced to acknowledge the animosity and resentment that has lived under the surface far too long. As I talked about in the previous question, I do hope this story opens up the lack of communication that happens in families. The disconnect between a husband and a wife, those dysfunctions travel down to affect the children. Thinking of how I grew up with my family talking around the dinner table, those moments really stick with me and I know they just don't happen anymore. Married couples owe it to each other to take the time for each other and also to be active participants in their children's lives together as a unit.”

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“I believe readers will find a connection to many if not all of the stories which makes this a powerful collection. I wrote my story during a time of being broken down myself and watching family dynamics also break down. What I hope is with any situation God has allowed me to go through, to minister with transparency and wisdom.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?
Folks can find out more about me and connect to me via:


Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
“My name is Trinea Moss and I grew up in the Bay Area of Northern California. I am new to the writing industry, but find myself intrigue with the various types of writing genres that our out there. I have written many short stories before, but only let a handful of people read some of my work. Throughout the years I have books full of poems stored away and drawing books as well. I guess one can say I have a love for the arts.”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“I require honesty, fairness (equals), laughter and faithfulness in a relationship. For me, what it takes to step of away from a relationship, I really can't say. I believe it would have to be some form of abuse that would cause me to walk away because no one should take out any form of abuse in any relationship.”

Couple on Trial presents a story that is not often comfortable to talk about, let alone deal with without vulnerability. How do hope for this story to help others?
“I know what its like not to want to put your personal business out there and have everyone in it. However, this story is meant for couples to take a look a their relationship and spark communication. How can you fix or examine a relationship that you want to keep, without communicating? It just won’t work. Therefore, I hope couples will take a deeper look and really talk to each, not at each other about how they fell about their relationship. “

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“I speak from my research, experiences and just plain old common sense. I don't have all the answers, but I have picked up some wisdom along the way. Throughout the years at different points and times I have researched various types of relationships. I come from the standpoint of just simply keeping it real and keeping God in each relationship you have. Many times people know what needs to be done to repair their relationships, but something holds them back. For some it’s pride, validation or just plain old stubbornness. Sometimes, they just need someone to listen, pray or just provide a different point of view and that is something I can do.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?
You can visit my website

Maurice Gray

Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
“I wear many hats: author, editor, HIV Prevention Counselor, Toastmaster and sometimes comedian. My day job is with a non-profit organization, Beautiful Gate Outreach Center ( I’ve been a published author for over ten years, and I’ve edited/proofread manuscripts for nine. Comedy is a hobby that I get to indulge only rarely, but I’ve been blessed to work with such great talents as Pat G’orge-Walker and James “The Storyteller” Ford. My church home is Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Wilmington, DE. Aside from membership in Toastmasters International (Greater Newark Area Toastmasters club), I’m also a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“In any relationship, there must be love, trust and mutual respect. If any of those factors are missing or sorely lacking, I'd have to step away. It's tougher to do that with family members, but if there is a toxic relationship with a family member and God leads me to step away from that person, I'd have to do it. In a romantic relationship, I definitely need the same level of love, trust and respect that I give or I can't stay in it. Both of us being saved is a given.”

Family Matters tells the story of a young man who feels he’s on the fringe of his mother’s love. Tell us why? How do you hope for this story to help others?
“Erik is the only child of two loving parents, but for the past several years, he has felt neglected. His parents (his mother in particular) mentored several young people over the years who needed positive adult influences in their lives. As a result, Erik (now nearing 30) has over a dozen "play siblings" close to his own age with whom to share his parents. He feels that his mother invests all of her energy in her "crew" and he gets what's left over. As this story begins, Erik and his mother have barely spoken in almost a year. Neither is sure how to mend the rift until a horrible accident makes them both painfully aware of how unimportant their differences are. I want my readers to see that life is short and that we shouldn't take our loved ones for granted. Whether we like it or not, they won't always be with us and we can't let disagreements (real or imagined) separate us from those we love the most.”

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“The same skills I use in HIV counseling are useful in guiding those who may have broken relationships. Part of the process of preparing someone for testing involves discussion of risk factors for HIV, which often involve (directly or indirectly) that person's relationships. I listen to what that person has to say and then draw on every bit of knowledge God has given me to try and help that person end their risk factors. If I were to counsel a reader who is estranged from a friend or loved one, I'd do the exact same thing: pray, listen and share.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?
My web site is  Facebook, MySpace, Shoutlife and Shelfari.


Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
“My name is Shenette Jones, and I wear many hats! I’m a Fitness training specialist by profession. I’m a dance instructor, a professional vocalist and assistant to my husband in Jones Entertainment, our music performance business. I’m also a Community Chaplain and speaker. I’m excited to finally add published author to this list. Laying all hats aside, I thoroughly enjoy homeschooling my son and spending time with my family. I love being professional, but the truth is I find it rather tough at times. Everyone who knows me finds that I’m indeed a free spirited kid at heart for lack of better terms. My energy and enthusiasm is what defines me most, and I’m glad God made me this way.”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“This answer for me has always and will always be TRUTH. Honesty and forthrightness are the main things that I need to thrive in a relationship. People say that truth hurts, and I agree, but to have it hidden from me feels incredibly painful in my opinion. I’ve learned that when it’s not present in a relationship, no matter the form, it causes me to step away, whether I should or not. Uncovered will definitely challenge couples who find themselves in situations similar to your characters. Please give us a preview and tell us how you hope for this story to help others? “Uncovered is a story that follows the thought process of a wife straying from her faith. She’s incredibly desperate for things she lacks within her marriage, and shocks herself beyond disbelief when she realizes what she, a woman of faith, will do for fulfillment. I’m hoping this story will immediately cause the reader to look into their own thought process. As people, we have many flawed thoughts, and if we’d take time to deal with them instead of toss them aside, we’d probably find ourselves in fewer traps. I want women particularly to face the fact that no matter how holy we believe we are, a fall can often be a thought away. But the GOOD news is that restoration can also be a prayer away!”

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“Steven, my husband and I have unfortunately gone through a trail of events that are similar to the story, uncovered. Since then, Marriage, healing in marriage, and how to enjoy marriage, has been one of our most in depth studies. Personal experience with a victorious outcome is my greatest tool, but the absolute best way for me to prepare is to know what God’s word tells me about restoration and to know without a shadow of doubt that his promise is true for everyone that crosses my path.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?
I’ll keep my readers up to date on my website  


Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
“I've been in ministry since I acknowledged my call to preach at the age of 17. After attending Warren Bible Institute, and Moody Bible Institute I was elected to my first pastoral charge in 1993 when I was 26 years old. I have served congregations in West Virginia, Virginia and Texas. I am currently serving at the New Mine Creek Church in Blairs, VA in my eighth year. I am the vice moderator of the Sandy Ridge Association, a group of thirteen churches in the states of North Carolina and Virginia. I am a native of Cleveland Ohio where most of my family still lives. I have been married for nineteen years and I am the father of one son, Bernard Quincy. I love to read, and watch old television show like Good Times, MASH, and Martin.”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“What I require in a relationship is LOVE, LOYALTY, GRACE, FORGIVENESS. The violation of any of these principles would make me consider leaving a relationship. For me, when it becomes impossible to live by either of these principle it's time to leave. Leaving a relationship should never be an emotional decision but one weighed in prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit.”

Jake and Eric speaks to an age old trial—sibling rivalry. Why did you decide to write this story? Please give us a preview and tell us how you hope for this story to help others?
“Jake and Eric was inspired by Jacob and Esau. Abraham's family is intriguing to me. They are a people called out for purpose but yet they have severe generational dysfunction. I hope that my story will portray the toxic effects of unforgiveness and betrayal. And will portray the joy of reconciliation.”

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“One focus of my ministry has been the reconciliation and strengthening of families. I believe that the family is God's greatest instrument to effect and impact society and my prayer and purpose is to see families healed and whole, living for God.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?
I can be found online at:


Introduce the readers to the professional and personal side of you.
“Personally I’m a pretty easy going person. I love spending time with my family. My passion for reading is obvious to most. Beyond that I enjoy gardening, sewing, music and crafts. I have worked in administration for the Federal government for close to twenty-five years and continue to serve as youth minister at my church.”

This anthology is about restoration. Restoration is defined as: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition. Tell us what you require in a relationship and what would cause you to step away from it.
“I have but one requirement in a relationship – respect. Without respect I don’t feel that you can get to anything else. Lack of respect, once it has be brought up that I feel the lack, would cause me to reconsider the need to remain or stay.”

Flavorful opens the door for parents, teachers and guardians to examine how they nurture the children under their care. Why did you choose this storyline? how do you hope for this story to help others?
“Flavorful is my way of giving voice to those without one. That could be the child, parent, guardian or teacher. Although what happens to my character is extreme, it unfortunately is not an isolated one. Children are a gift and need guidance regarding their God-given gifts. On the other hand, if we have not been taught or do not understand our responsibilities to our children, how can we properly help them?”

How have you prepared to minister regarding the issue of broken relationships that this anthology features?
“As a youth minister, the opportunities have been ongoing. Beyond that, championing the cause for those in need is a part of who I am. The opportunity to contribute to this anthology, I believe will open the door to bring the message to a wider audience.”

Where can readers find out more about your writing projects?
Readers are welcome to keep up with me at:

Monday, November 1, 2010

LET THE TOUR BEGIN -- November 1 - 5, 2010

What time is it? Time to get your copy of Home Again: Stories of Restored Relationships and then join us for the online blog tour. And of course, don’t forget to support the project by posting a review online. If you are looking to support your favorite contributor, please stop by their individual website.

Dijorn Moss – 

Tyora Moody –

Trinea Moss – 

Maurice M. Gray, Jr. –

Wanda B. Campbell –

Shenette Jones –

Bernard Boulton –

Tavares Carney –

Linda Beed –

Looking forward to hearing from old friends and getting acquainted with new readers.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Home Again: Stories of Restored Relatioships

Hello everybody. I know it’s been a minute since we’ve last chatted and I apologize for such a long absence. I believe you’ll forgive me once you hear the reason for my short hiatus. I’ve been working on several projects and I’m proud to announce the release of the first one—Home Again: Stories of Restored Relationships.

This anthology is one I’m proud to be a contributor to. More than that, I’m looking forward to seeing how God will work through the collective works of the authors.

So what is this anthology about? Glad you asked. The central theme is the restoration of relationships. Those relationships may fall within the realm of father/son, family indifference, husband/wife, or sibling rivalry. The examples presented are not unusual nor are they unsalvageable, with the help of God.

We invite you to join us for the official debut of the book – November 1st, and follow the online tour provided for you below.

Home Again Anthology Online Tour

November 1st

All The Buzz Reviews

Urban Christian Fiction Today

Literary Gumbo

Wanda B. Campbell (Contributing Author)

Black Authors Network
Call-in: (646) 200-0402
5pm/PST – 7pm/CST – 8pm/EST

Tuesday, November 2nd

Paulette Harper

The Coupon Sista

Maurice M. Gray, Jr. (Contributing Author)

Tavares Carney (Contributing Author)

Wednesday, November 3rd


Alvin C. Romer

Word 4 Women

Tyora Moody (Contributing Author)

Book Talk, Creativity and Family Matters
Call-in Number (347) 215-7740
12pm/PST – 1pm/MT – 2pm/CT – 3pm/EST

Abundant Solutions Hour
Call-in Number: (718) 508-9600
6pm/PST – 8pm/CST – 9pm/EST

Thursday, November 4th
Joey Pinkney

Sharon Ball

Patricia Woodside

Linda Beed (Contributing Author)

Friday, November 5th APOOO Book Club

Create a Unique Experience

Shenette Jones (Contributing Author)

Wednesday, November 10th 
Motown Writers Network
2:30pm/PST – 4:30pm/CST – 5:30pm/EST

Sunday, November 14th 

Dream 4 More
Call-in Number: (347) 989-0702
3pm/PST – 5pm/CST – 6pm/EST

Monday, November 15th

Sister Circle
Call-in Number: (646) 378-1035
4pm/PST – 6pm/CST – 7:00 pm/EST

Friday, November 19th
 Females with a Mission
Call-in Number: (347) 426-3312
7:30am/PST – 9:30am/CST -- 10:30am/EST

Thursday, December 2nd

Prose, Rhythm and Praise
6pm/PST – 8pm/CST – 9pm/EST

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Closer Walk With Thee

Melody Carlson asks a very simple yet profound question, “Does what you hear in church on Sunday affect the rest of your week?” Rather than leaving the question to be pondered Author Carlson provides tools to assist those whose answer may be—yes.

Within the pages of Always-A Teen Devotional: Words from the Rock, the final installment in this series, 90 devotionals set the stage for personal study and a closer walk with Christ. The work is not substitute for the Bible,
but it does assist those seeking relationship and those desiring a closer relationship with Christ, with tools to apply to their lives.                         

To learn more about the author and her works visit her online at:

Book provided courtesy of The Baker Group.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Write Package, Wrong Baggage

Life is a continuous journey. The baggage we choose to take with us is a matter of choice. Unpacking those bags is the choice of the individual. Acceptance of what once was will be the choice of the recipient.

In Right Package, Wrong Baggage Pamela Roberts has received a most unusual Christmas gift via her son Matthew--Micah Stevenson. Despite their unorthodox meeting, the two are seemingly made for one another. It will be the revelation of Micah's past that will determine if Pamela can handle the truth and look to the future.

For those who enjoy conflict entwined with intrigue, you will definitely find it here, but not in the sense most are used to. What you will find with Ms. Campbell's presentation is her willingness to process the reader through this relationship. In doing so, key elements that are essential to the whole of the story are established. This work is one that will provoke thought and conversation long after turning the final page.

To learn more about Wanda and her work visit her online at:

Purchase the Book Online at:


TAKE ANOTHER LOOK is a new feature that gives a bit more insight into selected books presented on this blog.

As an avid reader and literary professional, I must say that it is refreshing to come across an offering that is engaging, entertaining and provokes one to thought. It is especially invigorating as it pertains to Christian fiction literature.

Right Package, Wrong Baggage by Wanda B. Campbell is a work that is setting the bar for Christian fiction genre. Devoid of over-the-top conflict, baby mama drama and a majority of its pages dedicated to the sin nature of its characters, this book invites the reader into a relationship with goals. It also is a storyline with a process.

Within that process the ability to get to know the characters, their aspirations and fears are showcased. Within the realm of conflict, the absence of over-the-top drama is avoided. In its place is the presence of backtracking, i.e., the process of discovering what brought each to the point of insecurity. With skill, the author adds elements of intrigue to the story in order to keep the reader engaged and the story moving toward a feasible end.

If you are looking for a surface read, you will not find that within the pages of Right Package, Wrong Baggage. What you will find is a well-written book that brings light to a few subjects most are unwilling to speak about without prejudice or condemnation.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Have You Been Checked?

Each year Let Us Bear Fruit sets aside time to honor our mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin—those women who fought the good fight and those who are still in the war to eradicate breast cancer.

In an effort to assist, for any comment left on this blog during the month of October, we will donate $2.00 to breast cancer research. Please don’t be shy, talk it up this month and help us help others.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among African American women, and among women nationwide.1 Studies have shown that when African American women follow the same preventive measures as white women, their death rates from breast cancer are very similar. However, African American women are more likely than white women to be diagnosed at later stages of the disease and are more likely to die from it. Scientists are still exploring the reasons behind these trends. Read more: Here

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Things Are Not Always What They Seem

For Darryl and Catina Jones the fairytale life they envisioned quickly turns into the nightmare most marriages don’t survive. As bleak as the outlooks seems, it will be the combination of their love, faith and strong friendships that will see them through their trials.

In Sickness and In Health by Maxine Billings speaks to a matter that is not often written about. She also sheds light on the unexpected emotions that can directly and indirectly sabotage relationships and purpose.

                            DIALOGUE with the AUTHOR
One of the most exciting things about reviewing books is the opportunity to converse with the author. Below is a bit of what author Maxine Billings would like to share with her readers. Enjoy!

LUBF - Please introduce us to your story.

MB - As most people probably know, IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH is my sequel to THE BREAKING POINT. In The Breaking Point, Darryl and Catina had met through their respective friends, Evan and Justine. In Sickness and In Health begins with the two couples celebrating Darryl and Catina’s one-year wedding anniversary. During the celebration, Darryl and Catina surprise their friends with the news that they are expecting their first child. As with most newlywed couples, they are in such a state of marital bliss that they feel nothing can ever separate them from one another’s love. But when Darryl loses both of his legs due to a car accident, their love is put to the test in ways they never imagined.

Darryl, feeling like less of the man he was before his terrible loss, can no longer give his wife the love she still desperately needs and craves. But Catina vows to stand by him even though he is no longer receptive to the love she obviously still has for him. However, just when he gains the courage to move on with their lives, she is confronted with another test of just how far she’s willing to go to keep her marriage together.

LUBF - What was the reason for writing this particular story?
MB - When I wrote The Breaking Point, I knew there would be a sequel. I also knew it would be Darryl and Catina’s story, but I had no idea what the conflict between them would be. Since my ideas come from real-life issues, the thought just popped in my head one day to let Darryl experience the personal tragedy of losing both of his legs. In this way, I could show how a health issue of that nature would affect his and Catina’s marriage—really put it to the test.

My reason for writing this particular story was to show just a few of the ways that I imagine a marriage in this situation might be tested. As I’ve already mentioned, usually when a couple is newly married, they feel that nothing can separate them from each other’s love. They say their vows, but in their minds, they’re not considering that anything will ever happen to cause their love for one another to cool off. But if something does happen, how might they respond?

LUBF - Darryl and Catina's best friends were truly a blessing. Do you feel that friendships today lack the fortitude to overcome what these couples endured?
MB - I do feel that some friendships are lacking in this area because everyone is going through something. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we personally are going through that we don’t always have the strength or the patience to help someone else get through their troubles. But truly loving our family and friends and keeping in mind the Golden Rule will help us in our determination to always try to be there for them no matter what. It doesn’t mean we will always do or say the right things, but we try because our motives and intentions are good.

LUBF - You provided great information in terms of the needs for Darryl. Overall, what would you like your readers to take away from this book?
MB - It’s one thing to say you love someone. It’s a whole other thing to show you love someone. As the saying goes, action speaks louder than words. Sometimes we’re like children who just have to have that toy in the store. Mama or Daddy may tell us no, but we want it so bad that we keep pestering them until they finally get it for us. Well, what do we do when the newness wears off or something on it breaks? Do we throw it aside and ignore it? Is the love we had for it at first no more? Marriage can be like that toy. Do we treasure it as much as we did in the beginning? Even if something in it gets broken, do we cherish it enough to try to fix it?

LUBF - Your works tend to focus upon family issues. Is that the impetus that drives your muse?
MB - Yes, family/relationship issues definitely stimulate my muse and keep my writing juices flowing. Family relationships are especially important to me. All relationships present challenges, and I find it very interesting how people interact with one another in any relationship.

LUBF - Share with us your latest news.
MB - I have another short story that I’ve written. I’m considering publishing it as my next new release, and I’ve already started on its sequel. I’ve also started a sequel to my first published novel A MEASURE OF FAITH. In the works, too, is my first young adult novel. After the release of In Sickness and in Health  this past April, I came up with the idea for another Breaking Point sequel. It will be titled FOR RICHER OR FOR POORER and will be Justin (Justine’s brother) and his wife Shayna’s story.

LUBF - Please share a little about yourself with us.
MB - I’ve been married for nearly twenty-nine years to a wonderful man and have two wonderful children. I have worked for the State of Georgia for over thirty years and am looking forward to retiring in the next four years. I enjoy cooking, gardening, dancing, and listening to jazz and R & B music.

LUBF - How can readers reach you online and/or request you for their event?
MB - My Web site address is
My e-mail address is

Thank you so much for allowing us into your world Maxine. I look forward to your next work.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sight Before Seeing

Choosing To See takes us inside the private world of Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman. It is a world sprinkled with the good, the bad and the ugly that life metes out, yet through it all, their faith has been the thread holding them together.

The loss of a child is nothing any parent can prepare for. Rescuing the family from the aftermath is a journey that can only be made with God. With God the Chapman’s are making the journey back to wholeness. The trip has not been without stumbles, pain, depression and many shed tears. It is however one Mary Beth has chosen to tell via the sharing of her most private thoughts letters, and personal events.

This is by no means an easy read, but one that can be of help to those dealing with tragic family loss and depression. Mary Beth is to be commended for her courage and her generosity is Choosing to See beyond human sight.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Making the Puzzle Fit

Piecing the Puzzle Together by Brian Ganges is a read that is sure to provoke as well as open the necessity of ‘studying to shew yourself approved’.

Throughout his work Author Ganges applies biblical truths to life situations. In doing so he sets the stage for readers to open their hearts and minds to the truth; that truth being the value that God has placed on our lives. Written from the point of exposing what has always been, Piecing the Puzzle Together has the ability to spank, encourage and heal with the depth of its content.

Dialogue with the Author

LUBF: Introduce us to Brian Ganges – the man –the son of the Most High.

BG: I am a man on a mission from God. I’m real, relevant and I love ministering the Word of God in both the spoken and the written forms of communication. I am also a very balanced person. I don’t just read the Bible all day long, I also enjoy writing, spending time with my daughter, playing games on my Playstation, going to sporting events, and watching the Three Stooges.

LUBF: You are a contributor to The Soul of A Man Anthology. Tell us about your stories.

BG: I wrote two stories: “Manning Up with God,” which is my abridged autobiography. It deals with my divorce and some other challenges that I had. It is a candid piece that shows the struggle and the victory in overcoming my dilemma. The other story is “A Sense of Faith and Community,” which is a fictionalized account of some of the events of my life. It is written in and narrated from the perspective of my grandson. He gives a college speech about how I influenced his life by demonstrating to him the importance of giving back to your community and reaching out to people.

LUBF: As the author of Piecing the Puzzle Together, when did you see the fragmented pieces? What drove your need to help others pull their pieces together?

BG: I saw the fragmented pieces years ago, and still do today. Like many people, I was discouraged by much of what I was seeing and hearing in the church: controlling people, judgmental people, false doctrines, etc. and as a younger Christian I was looking for answers. This drove me to seek the answers to the questions that were in my heart, even though I might not have been able to articulate them exactly.

LUBF: Share your view of what a completed life puzzle looks like.

BG: A completed life is a balanced life. Our human lives consist of spirit, soul and body. Each of these three elements needs the proper amount of attention and nurturing in order to grow. So the completed life will give the proper amount of food, water, sunlight, exercise, etc. to each of these areas. Everyone is different, so some might need to give more attention in some areas than others, but the balance of these three will manifest a completed life puzzle.

LUBF: What thought would you like to leave with the readers of this interview?

BG: I want readers to know that their situation is not unique, and that there are many people (Christian or not) that feel alone, incomplete, lost, a failure, or as if they haven’t accomplished anything in this life. People just have to find the spiritual footing necessary to build a strong Christian life. Unfortunately, many people aren’t taught how to truly ground themselves in the truth. But with some study, a prayerful and open heart to the truth, God will reveal His Word to anyone that seeks Him; and He will manifest Himself in a way that each individual will understand it.

LUBF: What’s next for you in terms of your writing?

BG: I am currently working on my next book, which is a follow-up to “Piecing the Puzzle Together,” entitled “Lord, Deliver Me from Church Folks.” It is an expose' dealing with many of the misconceptions and things that are keeping many in the church bound by the traditions of men.

LUBF: I want to thank you for taking the time to share your work and yourself with us. We look forward to your stopping by again.

BG: Thanks Linda!

To find out more about Brian, keep up with his work and how you can request him for your literary event visit him online at:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Delay Is Not Denial - Or Is It?

It is said that delay is not denial. That may be, but in the case of Don Mitchell, delay may be the ultimate price to pay for the possibility of obtaining the coveted position of CEO of DMI.

In Chosen, the first in this Biblical trilogy from veteran author Patricia Haley, readers became privy to the in-fighting and personal tragedy that fragmented what should have been the solid Mitchell dynasty. Destined continues the saga of the embroiled family as it reveals the pitfalls of the arrogance and disobedience of Joel Mitchell – the Chosen one. On the opposite side of the struggle for control are two mothers fighting for what they believe is the birthright of different sons; a traumatized daughter on the run and one caught between affections for family, two women and obedience to God.

With precision Ms. Haley weaves an international tale of intrigue that is compelling, entertaining and provocative.


PATRICIA HALEY is the trailblazing, #1 Essence bestselling author of seven faith-based, novels, including Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, No Regrets, and Chosen. She’s a project manager with degrees from Stanford University and the University of Chicago. She is a born again believer and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Patricia lives with her husband and daughter in Philadelphia.

Visit her on  or become a fan of Author Patricia Haley on Facebook.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Do You Have Passion?

Well it’s been a while since I’ve popped in to share with you all.

The first thing I want to say is that it’s good to get away; opportunity to catch up with a few friends attending the Faith and Fiction Retreat was great. Over lunch we shared personal events of our lives. Sharing was wonderful, but I soon realized that the table topic would inevitably return to writing.

As I reflected upon what transpired the transparency of the moment revealed itself. Our common denominator was our writing passion. Passion is that thing that burns inside of you. You go to sleep and awaken thinking about the object of your desire. Rare is the time it is not on your mind. You knowingly and unknowingly eavesdrop on conversations and file certain dialogue in your mental rolodex for possible future use.

Passion in its appropriate context can be a beautiful thing, but don’t forget to take time out for your loved ones and other things that you love.
Speaking of things you love I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to Ms. Tia Ross and the fabulous staff who made the 2010 Black Writers and Reunion Conference an event to remember. For those who are SERIOUS about their writing, the BWRC is an educational experience where aspiring, novice and accomplished writers are well served. In other words -- when you leave the table, you are full.

I am full right now. I’m full with current projects to complete as well as with future possibilities and the anticipation of what this season will bring. I have been filled with the appetizers of inspiration follwed by healthy portions of information liberally garnished with words of encouragement.

As I leave for this moment I encourage you to venture out to expand the boundaries of your passion, whatever that might be. And as you do, remember to use your words to bear good fruit.
